A Civil Rights organization- Action for Socio-Political and Economic Change (ASEC) requested for information under the FOI Act 2011, from the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to wit, provide him with a certified true copy of the Niger Delta Development Commission Budget Document for the year 2020. As usual, the Commission refused to make the disclosure, and so the organization commenced an action for judicial review with the support of FOI Counsel.
The suit was commenced at the Federal High Court Benin City, against the Commission for leave for judicial review was filed at the Federal High Court by Robinson Ayodele Esq of FOI Counsel before his Lordship Hon Justice (Prof.) Chuka .A. Obiozor. The court granted the NGO’s application for leave to commence the judicial review and the case was adjourned to the 1st of February 2023 for hearing of the substantive suit.